Origin Earth Cheese shop
‘swap-a-bottle’ is here
Would you like milk in glass bottles? Pick-up from Origin Earth or the Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Market. Click here for all the details and to order.
The Cheese Shop is closed.
There are no milk bottle refills or cheese tastings.
The old Cheese Shop is open for order pick-ups only. Click here for our Pick-up times. Your order will be in the fridge, you can help yourself and leave your order form on the bench. If you require assistance please ring the bell.
Origin Earth is located at 393 Te Mata Rd, Havelock North.
You will find the old Cheese Shop at the rear of the factory - go straight down the drive to the back of the factory - just follow the signs.
Origin Earth cheese shop
Open 3 days for order pick-ups only. Click here for our Pick-up times.
Sunday at the Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Market from 8.30am to 12.30pm for Swap-a-Bottle order pick-ups, milk, yoghurt and cheese purchases.
393 Te Mata Road
Havelock North